Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Family and the farm

Farms are really about family, without them I don't know how a farmer would survive. On a farm everyone does something to help out, making it a true team effort. On my farm my sisters, brother and I were able to help with the smaller things like giving grain to the animals or feeding the babies with bottles when were young. As we got older we were allowed to drive the tractors and do field work and give the cows hay and feed (which helped out dad tremendously). Mom usually will do most of the paperwork and pay all the bills. My mom would also occasionally  help out with chores when we were running behind. Dad would pretty much do a little of everything milking cows (and now goats since we recently just got some), field work, feeding all the animals, paperwork and just running the farm to make it all work smoothly. I really love my family and am so happy to have such a hard working and dedicated members!

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